Welcome to AGBU LA Dance

Thank you for your interest in the AGBU LA Dance School, designed to connect children ages 4-18 with their unique heritage through movement and music. Our instructor, Mrs. Taguhi Bezatyan will group students by skill level ensuring all dancers get a challenging but fun experience.

Class information:

Tuesdays and Thursdays
3:15 – 4:15pm (Ages 4 to 6)
4:15 – 5:15pm (Ages 7 to 11)
5:15 – 6:15pm (Ages 12 and up)

Location: AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center 2495 E. Mountain Street, Pasadena

$80/month plus a $10 t-shirt purchase. Please note, enrollment fees are non-refundable. Our instructor works directly with families with special circumstances.

You may register your child(ren) for a trial month, or multiple months at a time as indicated below.

For more information call 626-794-7942 or email wrinfo@agbu.org.


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Enter year-month-day

Please fill out the following applicant information if your child is 13 years or older.

Registration is for the month(s) of:
Dancers must come to class each day in their provided "AGBU LA Dance School" T-shirts.

Parent 1

Parent 2

All Emails on this form MUST BE UNIQUE.

Emergency Contact

Additional Information

How did you hear about LA Dance School?

AGBU respects your privacy. The data included above is maintained in compliance with international privacy standards (including GDPR) and used to communicate with you about our events, programs and news. To manage your AGBU subscription, email dbupdate@agbu.org. For more information, please read our Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions.