AGBU Recognized by Western Diocese

September 25, 2016

On Sunday, September 25, 2016 the Western Diocese held a very special service recognizing the contributions made by AGBU to the Armenian nation and the Armenian people. On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia, and in the presence of the Ambassador of Armenia to the United States, Mr. Grigor Hovhannissian, and Garo Paylan, the representative for Istanbul’s 3rd district, and an advocate for the Armenian people in Turkey, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian highlighted that AGBU was the first Armenian organization to stand beside the fledgling Republic in its most challenging times.

Over 30 AGBU scouts from both the Los Angeles-San Fernando Valley and the Pasadena-Glendale Chapters, carried the Armenian flag from the entrance to the chancel, followed by the Ambassador and the AGBU Western District Committee members. The flag was presented to Archbishop Derderian for a blessing and then returned to AGBU for safekeeping.

AGBU is most appreciative of this special honor bestowed by the Western Diocese.