AGBU Western District’s International Short Film Contest

September 21, 2016


The AGBU Western District is happy to announce the launch of its new and exciting International Short Film Contest for high school students. This year the Western District Committee (WDC) developed a new program to inspire students to challenge themselves and their creativity by exploring the world through a different lens.

The theme of the International Short Film Contest is “What does being Armenian mean to you?” Purposefully broad and open ended, this question should spark the students’ creativity and get their wheels turning on how they can take this theme and incorporate it into one of the 7 genres:

- Animation

- Comedy

- Culture/Autobiographical

- Documentary/Public Service Announcement

- Drama

- Horror/Thriller

- Music Video

All high school or secondary school students in grades 9 – 12 and ages 14 – 18 are eligible to participate. Students will have until 10PM PST on Friday, October 7, 2016 to submit their intent to participate by sending an email to Final submissions will be due no later than 10PM PST on Monday, October, 24th, 2016.

After all of the films are submitted, professionals from the entertainment industry will judge the films and select finalists. The finalists’ films will be screened in November and the winners of the contest will be granted prizes and industry access.

Students interested in participating should visit our website and download the “Film Contest Handout” document for full details and information. If questions or concerns arise, please feel free to contact Suzanna Sargsyan, Director of Community Programs at