Fr. Yessai Bedros, Umit Kurt, Zaroohi Der Mugrdechian, Yn. Betty Sempadian, Charles Jamgotchian

March 30, 2016


The Greater Fresno AGBU Chapter and the St. Paul Armenian Church Parish Council along with Parish Priest, Fr. Yessai Bedros,  welcomed Umit Kurt, Doctoral Candidate from Clark University to speak to community members about ‘Why Turkey Continues to Deny the Armenian Genocide”. Mr. Kurt is working to complete his doctoral thesis this Spring.

Umit Kurt gave concise reasons as to why he feels that this denial is still taking place today.  After the illustrated presentation there were numerous questions that were asked by those in attendance. Those in attendance were impressed by Mr. Kurt’s well thought out presentation on the topic.

The AGBU and St. Paul will continue to cosponsor other visiting scholars who come to lecture at California State University, Fresno.